Avalanche - Avoid the falling spikes by moving to the left or right, trying to see how long you can hold out for.Mastermind ( alternative) - Try to break a random code of five numbers in fifteen guesses or less.Tic-Tac-To - Alternate turns placing pieces on the 3x3 game board until somebody gets 3-in-a-row or all nine spots on the game board are filled.Darts - Hit the target with your dart, while avoiding the obstacles in your way.Guess The Number - Try to guess the number, and see how many tries it takes you.Mine Field - Like the classic game minesweeper, the goal is to avoid hitting the mines.Pong - You have to keep the ball in play by bouncing it back and forth against the walls, without letting it get by your paddle.For readers who learn better by example than by explanation, these games are also a great way to learn the techniques explained in this guide. They are meant as a way of putting everything that is on this guide together into an example of what TI-Basic programmers like you can do. 7 No.The programs linked from this page are complete (if simple) games, presented with source code and an explanation. ↑ 3.0 3.1 VideoGames & Computer Entertainment, "October 1991" (US 1991-xx-xx), page 46.

↑ Electronic Gaming Monthly, "July 1991" (US 1991-xx-xx), page 110.Hold the MODE button when booting up the system to switch to 3-button mode and fix this issue. Pac-Man responds badly to direction changes. This game doesn't have good compatibility with the Six Button Control Pad, in this case meaning that Ms. The "fruit" selection is also expanded and objects such as shoes could be eaten for greater points than fruit in the arcade version. The game also would end at level 32 in which a game ending would be displayed. This can be done in cooperative or competitive modes. Pac-Man and the second will play the original Pac-Man. There is also two-player simultaneous feature in which the first player will play Ms. A Pac Booster ability can be turned on and off, which gives the player a boost when pressing a button.

There are four types of mazes: Arcade, Strange, Big, and Mini. On the Mega Drive and Master System versions there are many new extras.

Occasionally fruit and other objects float through the maze and give bonus points if eaten. If a big dot (Power Pellet) is eaten by the player, ghosts become edible and if eaten their eyes depart from the body and flee to the center of the maze, where they can claim a new body. Players move through a maze gobbling up Pac-Dots while avoiding ghosts.