Now we have our lookup table handy, we can put it to some use: An Alteryx Workflow with an INPUT and OUTPUT tool, with specific focus on the OUTPUT Configuration For example one system may record this business period differently to another, if so include both and describe them using their system name so that when you are using it in the next part it is simple to select the correct one. This becomes powerful in the next part for when you are updating your data. Internally you can include all the different ways you record your data in each system in this lookup table to ensure you have them available for each one you interact with. Workflow to Automate Internal System Lookups.However if you are running a complex period and require regular change, run the process once a day to keep it fresh and create those rules but ideally you are trying to achieve the table above in a location your can access with Alteryx and Alteryx Server. If your business does follow a simple month pattern then you can use a formula tool to create it and it it only needs to be run once a month on the first of the month.

This depends entirely on your business period. There are many ways to achieve this here is an example which supports one where we lookup from the business data itself. Ideally you need a lookup table in your database which looks like this: YYYYMM Well you are in luck as this blog will share all. When running automation sometimes its easier if you can delete the data of the current period and replace it with the fresh data from this period. There are many ways to do this and I have kept this example simple to follow along, but for some organisations dates and times don’t follow monthly patters and cannot simply use MONTH() or YEAR() functions they have to build it on 4 weekly patterns or even 3. This first one is about having a lookup table within your database of the current business period and the previous one and why that is useful when data engineering with Alteryx and Alteryx Server. So this mini series is for me to put pen to paper and share those useful tips with you all. Starting fresh with Alteryx Server and Designer within a new organisation reminded me of all the small useful things which I had set up that I took for granted.

Welcome to the Alteryx Automation mini series on Intersections and Overlaps. Alteryx Automation Series: PreSQL in Output Tools